Yohimbine HCl for Fast(ed) Fat Loss

Yohimbine HCl

Yohimbine HCl for Fast(ed) Fat Loss

Getting Lean And Mean

(Note: By reading this article you agree to the Medical Disclaimer. This website is not advising anyone to use any prescription drugs or supplements without a doctor’s approval.)

Let’s face it… there are A LOT of misconceptions when it comes to fitness, and fat loss is probably the ‘biggest’ one of them all.

Many people believe that real fat loss can only be accomplished in two ways…

  1. Cardio (lots of pointless running) &
  2. Some fad diet (that doesn’t work)

Which is exactly how you lose hard-earned muscle and look like slop.

…that just simply isn’t the ‘whey’.

Thankfully, there is a far better approach to achieving superior aesthetics.

What this means is…

  • NO food
  • NO sugar
  • ONLY water
  • PROPER timing of PrimaForce Yohimbine HCl
    (upon waking + 16 oz of water)
  • Beginning exercise within 45 mins of waking
  • Working out no longer than 60 mins
  • Eating a full meal within an hour of completing exercise

Why We Do This

Being fasted means having not eaten or consumed anything of sustenance (caloric value) within the past six hours.

Since we can’t eat or drink during sleep, we are all technically fasted upon waking. Which is the only time anyone should be performing this fat loss method, otherwise it’ll be a waste of time.

Yohimbine will only exert its fat-burning effects in the absence of insulin. Consuming food causes the release of insulin and is why we refrain from eating until AFTER the workout. This is called breaking the fast. Literally anything with calories will cause this to occur, so only drink water until the workout is complete.

It’s wise to limit the use of this protocol to 3-4 times a week. Otherwise, you might burn too many calories and risk losing muscle tissue. Yohimbine will also cause appetite suppression. So you’ll feel content with eating less… which is especially great for those who have difficulty with portion control.

How To Dose Yohimbine HCl

Start off with assessing your tolerance by consuming 2 caps (5 mg) of PrimaForce Yohimbine HCl. This should be taken with 12-16 oz of water. In my experience, 4 caps (10 mg) is an extremely effective dose, but everyone will react differently.

The maximum dose is 8 caps (20 mg). However, this should be worked up to- in smaller increments- over a longer period of time. Clearly, these higher dosages will be better suited for individuals who are battling obesity or have more extreme fat loss goals.

When the right dosage is found, you should experience feelings of energy similar to that of caffeine. Your heart rate should remain slightly elevated at all times during its active life (1.5~ hrs), so don’t freak out. This is exactly why we assess tolerance (read above).


The reason why I prefer PrimaForce Yohimbine HCl over other brands is quite simple. Their extract has proven to be high-quality and delivers effective results every single time. In addition to that, their capsules come in 2.5 mg servings which is perfect for manipulating the dose as needed.

Obviously, there are many alternate methods to achieving the ideal physique. This can mean adding additional supplementation, adjusting training, improving nutrition, and/or optimizing recovery.

One thing is for certain, yohimbine will surely not disappoint in the fat-burning department.