Arachidonic Acid: An Overlooked Hypertrophic Aid

Arachidonic Acid

The Acidic Underdog

(Note: By reading this article you agree to the Medical Disclaimer. This website is not advising anyone to use any prescription drugs or supplements without a doctor’s approval.)

Otherwise known as arachidonic acid (or ArA / AA, for short). This is a novelty supplement that’s finally beginning to see the light it deserves. In fact, this product has been available over-the-counter since the early 2000’s. Its usage and anecdotal hearsay, until recently, could only be found in the age-old depths of various bodybuilding forums.

Don’t let this lack of surface exposure fool you, though. It’s highly-effective and its mode of action is unlike anything else on the market today. The pathway in which it affects muscular growth is something that both the natural and the enhanced athlete will find advantageous.

A Plateau Breaker

Yes, that’s right. Arachidonic acid breaks plateaus, and it does so through inflammation. Now, this might sound like a bad thing, but bear with me. This inflammation targets the muscular-skeleton system and signals muscular growth to occur. Which not only produces more powerful pumps during exercise but also helps induce hypertrophy.

On top of that, the history behind ArA is one of necessity- believe it or not. It is actually a primordial fatty acid and was responsible for one of humankind’s major cognitive leaps. Without it, our brains wouldn’t nearly have the capacity that they do today.

Which is also why we’re able to decipher the best way to utilize this nifty compound. I make this a very distinct point, because if it’s done any other way, it won’t work at all…

The Arachidonic Acid Protocol

  • ONLY on workout days
  • Use for 50 workouts then take a two-week break
  • Dose 1 gram (4 soft gels of X-GELS) 30 mins. PRE-workout
  • Must be taken on an EMPTY stomach (having not eaten for at least an hour)
  • (Optional) Dose 2 grams of GMS (Glycerol Monostearate) 30 mins. PRE-workout
  • (Optional) Dose 1 gram of LCLT (L-Carnitine L-Tartrate) 30 mins. PRE-workout
  • (Optional) Dose 9 grams of L-Citrulline DL-Malate 2:1 30 mins. PRE-workout

The Scientific Reasoning

There are several reasons as to why this protocol is laid out in such a manner. First off, arachidonic acid needs to be absorbed directly by skeletal tissue. This can only occur during exercise which is why it’s exclusive to workout days.

This is also why it needs to be taken on an empty stomach. If insulin is present- due to eating- then it will shuttle the ArA to adipose tissue. Rendering it unable to be absorbed by skeletal tissue in the necessary form.

On a side note, yohimbine HCI is yet another supplement that requires the absence of insulin. If your goal is to burn additional fat then my in-depth article on its usage will be worth your while. There are no issues with combining the two protocols.

As for the GMS, LCLT, and L-Citrulline… these supplements will dramatically improve the bio-availability of arachidonic acid. Just don’t forget to consume them with a zero calorie drink (preferably water). They’re not absolutely necessary, as ArA is highly-effective all on its own, but they certainly play their roles very well.