Easy Meal Prep with the Instant Pot

Instant Pot

Instant Pot for Instant Success

As someone with a busy lifestyle, making meal prep as easy as possible is an absolute necessity. Not everyone has the time to cook each and every meal on a day-to-day basis. Talk about A LOT of mess and A LOT of preparation.

Not to mention, it’s a good way to burn yourself out. Often times, this is exactly what prevents an amateur physique from progressing to a professional one.

Luckily, the Instant Pot can make a full week’s meal prep in as little as two hours…

Not only that, but having clean meals ready to go will help prevent cheating on your diet immensely. It’s not just about reducing calories or losing weight… but it’s also about remaining consistent.

Which is exactly what produces results and what the Instant Pot can help you accomplish.

The Best Kind of Pot

So, this is the #1 top-rated pressure cooker on the market today. It also happens to be the same exact one I use. (go figure)

Disclaimer: I only ever recommend products that I believe in and have used personally.

I prefer the 8-quart size but the average gym-goer will find the 6-quart to be sufficient. It’s built to last as I’ve had mine for over four years and it still operates at 100%. In fact, it still looks straight out of the box as it doesn’t ding or scratch easily… and I (probably) cook more than your mother.

Also, it might look like an alien contraption at first, but don’t let that fool you. You can literally cook anything with it and it’s super user-friendly. I’ve only ever had to press four buttons on it, so yeah, maybe too friendly…

My Favorite Recipes

Let’s not forget, you’re going to need some Instant Pot recipes…
These two I frequent the most. Both of which take about 30-60 minutes, from start to finish.

Note: I will typically double the meat and the garlic but not the seasonings for nearly every dish I prep.

There are literally thousands of recipes online designed specifically for the Instant Pot. So google will be your best friend when it comes to finding some new tastes.

Additionally, I use the rice cooker option on my Instant Pot for (drum-roll please…) rice. This is a total life-saver because I eat enough rice to fuel a family of four. (seriously)

Tools of the Trade

Now that you’re rip-roaring and ready-to-go… you’re going to need some basic items. (If you don’t have them already)

At the end of the day, maybe you’re accustomed to the stove-top or basic slow-cooker. There’s nothing wrong with that, but that just means you’ll love the Instant Pot even more.

It can do all that in WAY less time and without sacrificing taste or quality.

So if nutrition and consistency have been your issue then this is definitely the answer for you. It really doesn’t get any easier or convenient (and delicious) than what the Instant Pot has to offer.

Good luck and happy eating.